Saturday, 30 November 2024

Day 97 - hindsight is the best sight

 Brak opisu.

Day 97
Not everything is always as it seems, not everything is even the same as on the first look. The face we see first is often the mask, a defence put by others to protect the truth.

I am quite worried about my old accountant mishaps, but I can manage. My finances aren't in such a delicate balance to fall apart from this. Still stinks though.

I feel comfortable, even if people around me look much better in their expensive clothes while I put on just my funny t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I don't really care about looks that much.

I like fencing, writing, sex, apple cider and sleeping a bit too long. Finding new styles of music (Shamisen Rock just rocks) and playing games. Perhaps one day I will be able to do all of those as much as I can, without worrying about working for someone else.

Anything can happen, or rather I can achieve anything I want.

Friday, 29 November 2024


 On days like this, people like me contemplate either suicide or becoming mass murderer.

Eh, whatever. next card. 

7 : The Chariot

Chariot is quite easy to interpret. It means direction, control, victory, determined push forward. Chariot card symbolises the concept of unstoppable force, that has everything it needs to achieve it's goals. Chariot does not symbolise wealth, power or connections for those forces are only secondary to it, instead Chariot is focusing on purpose, determination, willpower and control.

Which also makes it easy to interpret reversal.

Lack of control, spiralling head-first into danger and unknown. Impulsive decisions, obstacles, anything that can stop you from achieving your goal or steer you to the side from path to it.

Thursday, 28 November 2024


 cocoa cookie, mint choco cookie, mint choco cookie, and cocoa cookie (cookie run and 2 more) drawn by notonlyasheep

Day 95
Today's training is non-negotiable no matter how shitty I feel. Perhaps that's the best for me. or maybe not, we will see.
I had dreams and nightmares after I woke up at three during night time. Dunno why, but I often wake up around this specific time. After getting something to drink and feeding cats I ended up back in bed, in for a five dreams that got progressively worse and gross. 
Fighting is literally antithesis of who I am. I hold inside vast ocean of aggressive tendencies and explosive emotions, blocked by willpower and fears that would make tsunami dams look like toys. When I fight, I always hold back, I never allow myself to use strength. I try to analyse every move of my enemy, looking to my training fr a solution to every situation.

But combat is chaotic, not a staged interaction. As soon as I get into action I hesitate, wait, give in, get stuck on smallest issues.

Well, time for card.

6 : The Lovers

Card often connected to, well, love. Partnership, especially positive one. Harmony, balance, mutual respect, duality.

From the start of tarot we had cards that were sort of foils to each other, opposites or parts of the whole. Lovers card embraces this by being the card of both sides. Man and a woman, light and dark, yin and yang. Some see this card as a choice - you have seen all the options and now they lay before you all together and it's time to choose. This card reminds you that you cannot be everything, and also you shouldn't be everything. What you lack, you shall find in others. 

In reverse this is card of disharmony and conflict.

Reversed lovers are a card of imbalance, of dependency of another, misaligned expectations and assumptions. Card of bad decisions, regrets, temptation to act against your core values. 

In fact it's a very simple card.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024


 daiyousei, diyusi, and yajuu senpai (touhou and 3 more) drawn by beji-kun

Day 94
 I'm dropping today's meeting with this exhaustion. I hope it's not sickness. Tomorrow training is rapier, and that one I can not omit.

Cats are getting last vaccine shot for white death. Good. This is what killed my previous cat, the greatest cat I ever had. I miss him greatly still.

Another card today, and a little ramblings about it's role.

5 : The Hierophant 

Also sometimes called "The Pope" this card forms a trio with Mage and High Priestess. When Mage looks to the mastery and inspiration, and High Priestess looks to the intuition and inner guidance, Hierophant looks to the tradition and establishment.

With this in mind Hierophant signifies tradition, conformity, knowledge coming from the wisdom of our predecessors. Hierophant doesn't question the rules, but follows them trusting their wisdom. Hierophant looks to the authority, learning from mentors or education system. It's a highly social card, as most of things signified by it cannot exist without society. Hierophant can also mean "to fit in" with the group, conforming to the ideology of majority.

Considering how radical and non-traditional current pope is, it's kinda ironic. 

Reversed Hierophant is in some ways similar to reversed Emperor. Rebellion against authority, this time against established rules and traditions.

But rebellion isn't everything. Reversed Hierophant can also mean forming your own personal beliefs, becoming individual separate from the groups you belong to. Also solving things in unorthodox ways.

Now onto the ramblings - why? Why is this card number five? Shouldn't it be together with Mage and Priestess? Emperor and Empress are paired together, but Hierophant is separate. Perhaps it's because out of the three he is the only one that tries to impose his way of life onto others, quite similar to the Emperor. Still... considering how child-like is symbolism of The Fool, perhaps we have two trios in the first six cards. One of the roles we fill in family - mother, father, child - and the other with the approach we have to solving problems - research and inspiration, intuition and self reflection, tradition and authority.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024


 aladdin (arabian nights) drawn by cymlim

Day 93
 Damn I'm tired and sleepy today. Like hell. This is clearly not my day, despite how much I managed to do despite my low-energy state.

So... the next card.

4 : The Emperor

As with previous card, this one might as well be renamed to "The Father" considering it's meaning.

The Emperor symbolises a perfect fatherhood or leadership. He is a protector, a guide, authority that brings sound leadership, creates structure and order. In this way he creates a pair with The Empress.

As a father emperor is the protector, creates structure and safety. As a leader emperor is the source of drive and ambition, enforcer of order.

In reverse, just life previous card, The Emperor symbolises how father or a leader may do his role wrong.

Reversed emperor may mean domination for the sake of domination, rigid follower of order without understanding why the order is needed and when it should be forfeit. Abusive power, misuse of power, all the signs that the position of power corrupted the leader.

It may also mean breakdown of the order, rebellion against the authority. Breaking the rules or trouble enforcing them. Reversed emperor may mean destruction of status quo, especially safe and comfy one.

If The Emperor is a question, it's "Are you in control?"
If The Emperor is a person, it's a leader or father.
If The Emperor is an object, it's rules and symbols of power.
If The Emperor is a situation, it's establishment or breakdown of authority.
If The Emperor is a trait, it's being bossy, serious and strict, but also just.
If The Emperor is an advice, it's "Take control over situation" or "Rethink the rules you follow"

Monday, 25 November 2024


 snow white (snow white and the seven dwarfs) drawn by cymlim

Day 92
I was raised with assumption that good things are what happens to others, not to me. That I can not afford nice things, not matter how rich I get. That when someone has to sacrifice their happiness in a group, that person is me by default. I carry that attitude through my life, giving up on what makes me smile for the smiles of others. Perhaps it's time to change, but change is never easy.

And on to the next card, slow burn of progress cannot be stopped!

3 : The Empress

This card may as well be called "The Mother" for what it symbolises. Or "The Woman". This card is all about what was considered feminine at the time Tarot began. Card of fertility, care, motherhood, connection to nature and appreciation for subtle life pleasures like beauty, art and physical sensations. It's not the card about sex, mind you, it's more about finding happiness in things like a warm hug, fine tea and watching sunset.

Where High Priestess was a woman in spiritual matters, intuition and wisdom. The Empress is a woman in earthly matters, motherhood and care. She is often portrayed as quite wealthy, since most of what was considered "fine taste" was expensive back then.

The Empress reversed paints a different picture.

Infertility, lack of growth, lack of care. Often it symbolises a person who instead of caring, depends on care of others. In a subversion of motherly care it can mean neglect or overbearing, both are opposite extreme cases of doing the caring wrong.

Forgetting or ignoring the life's small pleasures can lead to feeling unhappy with everyday life. Disconnectedness from surroundings, be it natural or home at large.

If The Empress is a question, it's "Are you caring right?"
If The Empress is a person, it's a mother or caretaker.
If The Empress is an object, it's comfy and soft.
If The Empress is situation, it's care, small life's pleasures or motherhood.
If The Empress is a trait, it's caring, contentment, subtlety.
If The Empress is an advice, it's "Take care of what you have" or "Stop and appreciate small things"

Sunday, 24 November 2024


 banyue (tianguan cifu) drawn by chapter_56

Day 91
Today's card! Other than that I feel tired, so tired today. Dunno why.
2 : High Priestess

This card is sometimes also called "Female Pope" in different languages. This would pair her with Hierophant, who is frequently just "The Pope". I will probably have a full section of ramblings how unfitting those names are nowadays in the post on Hierophant.

High Priestess is the archetype of intuition and hidden knowledge. This is the card about gut feelings, inspiration coming from meditation and introspection.

And those traits are considered feminine, mostly due to tradition. Which is stupid, since tradition itself is considered masculine. Oh well...

High Priestess is a card about looking inwards for answers. Not to some divine spark, not to expertise, not to traditions or authority. High Priestess tells you "Do what you feel is right" despite the world nowadays being very big on "you know nothing, Jon Snow". 
High Priestess is also card of secret knowledge, but not about uncovering it. Just it existing. Which is fitting because intuition is hardly something that can be explained by conscious knowledge. It's also very easy to blame on intuition all the knowledge you do not want to share, hence secret knowledge. High Priestess favours spiritual and emotional growth of a person, believing that deep down we all know what is good for us.

Reversed High Priestess is about lack of trust in your own instinct.

When your gut tells you something, but you constantly ignore it. Perhaps you have been raised and educated to always second guess yourself, instead seeking external validation of all your choices and opinions. Perhaps you discard your inner life, feelings of your body and emotions of your heart.

As card of secrets High Priestess when reversed may mean that some truth is kept from you, or turning the situation around - you have trouble keeping something a secret.

If High Priestess is a question, it's "Do you listen to your gut?"
If High Priestess is a person, it's someone who trusts their gut feeling.
If High Priestess is an object, it's something you would rather keep as secret.
If High Priestess is a situation, it's unclear and full of unknowns.
If High Priestess is a trait, it's intuition and being good at keeping secrets.
If High Priestess is an advice, it would be "Trust your intuition"

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Day 90 - THE MAGE

 fors wall (lord of the mysteries) drawn by yuzhi

Day 90
Cats are having a field day without kids in the house. Grandma is happy. Let her be.

I sent tax office decision to the failure of an accountant and she instantly caved, with no balls to try and argue. Good. I'm already set with the new accountant, he will start with me from new year onwards.

So let's go with the second major arcana card.

1 : The Mage

When The Fool was beginning and unlimited potential, The Mage is a first step. A creation, manifestation. Wizard is a master of arcane art and through his will everything comes to be. It's the card of divine spark, of the power that pushes us to create something out of nothing.

Many cultures revered artists, Apollo was a god of art and his Muses brought inspiration for the worthy. In other cultures art of storytelling was almost religious, allowing traditions and myths to survive without being written down. But to create you need to want it, not once had an artist or craftsman made something without willing to do so. The "willing" part becomes harder without confidence in your own ability, leading to creative block well known throughout the world.

The Mage reversed is just that - blocked. Blocked from creating, from willing, from using your power for what you are destined to do. When The Mage is reversed it may mean misuse of power. With great power comes great responsibility, but only if one is willing to take that responsibility on. Instead power is frequently misused, abused, choked by greed and lust. Both in real life and in mythologies. Old polytheism frequently show the gods to be just like the humans that worshipped them. Zeus, patron of kings, frequently abused his power. Whole Norse pantheon tended to brake promises given and resort to argument of strength. Power can achieve great things, but it's not in human nature to use it for those.

If The Mage is a question, it's "Are you using your powers well?"
If The Mage is a person, it's person of great power and creative mind.
If The Mage is an object, it's fine craftsmanship and great significance.
If The Mage is a situation, it's position of power or creative process.
If The Mage is a trait, it's creativity, hard work and power.
If The Mage is an advice, it would be "Go forth and use your powers"

Friday, 22 November 2024

Day 89 - THE FOOL

 alice (alice in wonderland) drawn by cymlim

Day 89
My wife wants me to practically write a book on tarot, since it's a tool I use frequently and am familiar with it. Mind you, I'm no oracle or one of those hags selling divination for money. In fact I only did it for money once, and my price was "give me whatever you think it was worth" because I felt so uncomfortable with selling this.

For me tarot is nothing more than a tool. I don't buy into some kind of crazy mysticism or belief that Jews secretly run the world because of some forbidden knowledge. Jews only run USA and I'm glad I don't live there. For me tarot is pretty much like having a flag that shows which direction wind blows. It's not the flag that causes the wind, wind doesn't blow for the flag and there are dozens of other ways to check the direction of wind. Thus when wind of fate blows, tarot is one of the ways to check it.

So in this slow-but-sure method I will be writing about cards, one-by-one from today onwards. So let's begin!


The Fool is the first, or rather zeroth card in major arcana. As such it's a card of beginnings. Monotheistic tradition states that in the beginning there was nothing but the god and his word above waters, and funnily several polytheistic religions agree on that. Egyptian myth also has self-created god that starts above water and creates the world. Mesopotamia, Greece and native America agree that the world started from chaos. Chinese and Hindu mythologies start with an egg, while several others even start with gods defeating some kind of monster and making the world out of it. Usually it's either one or two gods that create the world, rarely multiple.

But where this takes us? World starts from chaos where everything can happen, but you will be damned to find anything you want. Unlimited possibilities are major theme of this card. When this card comes up anything can happen, but it doesn't mean anything specific. After all when oracle tells you that you will soon begin something new, it's the most enigmatic thing it can say.

With beginnings and unlimited possibilities we often associate children, their innocence and naive demeanour. It's kinda second-hand meaning for this card, that usually plays more of a role in reversed meaning rather than the upright one. Another association frequently connected with beginnings is journey - after all how many new things can you see by staying where you always were?

Reversed cards usually look for darker or subversive interpretations.

New beginnings don't always mean beginning of something good. Trouble awaits those who leave comfort of status quo. Embarking on a new journey usually means unknown, possibly things we are not prepared or ready for.

Unlimited possibilities can also mean unrealised possibilities. Fear of commitment, of making the step forward, or indecision of which road to choose.

Innocence isn't always considered good too. Naivety can lead to being taken advantage of. Inexperience leads to mistakes. Remember - even mythological gods made mistakes, fucked up and had to live with the consequences of their actions. 

If The Fool is a question, it's "Are you ready?"
If The Fool is a person, it's childlike, naive and inexperienced. Someone new.
If The Fool is an object, it's something new, found or encountered.
If The Fool is a situation, it's a beginning of something new.
If The Fool is a trait, it's inexperience, naivety, potential and freedom.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Day 88 - symbols don't matter, who uses them do

 zen'in maki (jujutsu kaisen) drawn by stopu

Day 88
Do you know you cannot get "88" tattoo in many places. I learned about it from an anecdote. Apparently "H" is an eighth letter of the alphabet and some nazi idiots were using number instead of letter to get "Heil Hitler" on themselves.

I had been a student in catholic school, so I know how idiotic can interpretations of symbols be. Church in Poland officially condones rainbow, their own gods symbol from old testament, as a satanic symbol. Even national animal of Scotland is on a list of satanic symbols.

I strongly believe sufficiently knowledgeable tattoo artist can refuse every single tattoo idea on a political or religious basis. There is no symbol out there that never been used by a commonly accepted as evil organisation, ideology or person.

Just think about "88" again for a second. You know what was my first interpretation? A "Back to the Future" fans. 88 miles per hour is a supposed speed needed to travel in time. In movies of course. 
If I was a billionaire I would create a terrorist organisation that uses either classic catholic cross or logo of the UN as their symbol. Just to see how much do I need to do change the perception of the symbol.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Day 87

 clorinde (genshin impact) drawn by ike_0910

Day 87
Tax Office is actively asking me to pay less taxes than my accountant says. Curious.
 I'm taking two days off to solve most of my problems. I need to buy some stuff for fencing, fix the accounting problem, perhaps even visit church for my daughter's baptism.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Day 86 - it's all coming back together

Day 86
I kinda needed to kill day 85. It was rough.
I finally got material for my XIV-century fencing trousers! It was in a quaint little sewing supplies shop on a main square of nearby town. I'm bringing it to my master and champion tomorrow, so they will make me trousers like no other in my wardrobe. 

On friday I'm meeting with a local accountant company, if they agree they will take over after inFakt and clean up all the mess. 
I also decided to take two days off (thursday and friday), on friday my wife has birthday and I already know what to do! A big sushi party for lunch! She loves sushi and I plan to order a big mix from the local sushi place. 

You know, it starts growing on me, my work that is. I'm starting to like being practically a local dr House for them, the guy they call into the meeting ad hoc and ask a question without context knowing well that he will be able to answer.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Day 84 - my life has no purpose

 ,squeezable,artist,арт барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт

Day 84
Perhaps I am not enough.
Some days my life is just so tedious, so bleak. I hate bureaucracy, I hate doing stuff where I can't see the end of it. It's not that I dislike slow progress, I just want to feel like each day I truly did something.

I have no purpose in life. I wake up, either work at the company or around the house, then sometimes I spend time on my hobby and end the day going to sleep. I don't really have a goal to achieve.

Burning passion for my work is something I lost long ago. Corporate life is the antithesis of what I enjoy in IT, but it's the most stable source of income.

Fencing is somewhat of a drug for me, I have a lot of fun doing it. I do not believe myself able to achieve something here though, and expectations of my master are weighing on me.

Writing is again - something I do for fun. As soon as I have to translate it before publishing it becomes a tedium. I'm also not comfortable with publishing stuff when it requires cooperation with someone else, so I most likely will never publish my D&D book.

Crafts are what I do when I want something, but it's either too custom or too difficult to obtain. It's not something I do for money, neither something I find great purpose in.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Day 83

 CDN media

Day 83
 Nothing important happened today.

My cat has hiccups or something.
My wife was on hubertus.
I've done laundry and re-stocked dishwasher.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Day 82 - inFakt sucks

 asimov (original) drawn by spindle_(aidenr0)

Day 82
I'm working B2B. This was supposed to not be a problem, but my country requires every company to have an accountant. And the hag provided by the company whose service I'm using is driving me nuts. I will probably find someone more local to be my accountant after this month.
Company I'm using is called inFakt. Their service isn't always working right. I had several problems paying my taxes and had to do them through bank. This didn't sit well with their app, notifying me constantly about unpaid tax. Informing their provided accountant about it didn't help. In fact she's half the reason I wanna leave them. In february I found out I'm on a so-called small ZUS and called her, in conversation I informed I need to switch to large ZUS and also that I am no longer working job contract, instead being B2B completely. Half a year later she was surprised to learn that I am on B2B or that I should be on large ZUS, defended herself that she has no e-mail from me about it. What is the point of her phone number if she's going to simply disregard anything said on call? Now with me breaking some arbitrary limit and having to start paying VAT the circus begins anew.

inFakt managed to convince me that I should never, ever start my own company. Or at least never use their services again.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Day 81 - signals I can ignore (for now)

 original and 1 more drawn by adelinayuri

Day 81
 Writing now because I many not be able o write in the evening. I will be having another training session today. Pain in my arm and in my leg tells me that something is wrong, my physiotherapist may help, I will go to her on Monday. 

Today training session should be lighter, master promised to bring all his training rapiers so that I cab check which one is good for me and my wife for in-house training.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Day 80 - did I die fighting in previous life?

 fang (arknights) drawn by menka_(menka_wata)

Day 80
Another fencing training. Sword today. Not sword exclusively though, we also had some fun trying to slap each other in fencing position. Lots of fun. Our champion said she never met someone who had so much fun in combat, while I giggled through the fight. I dunno why, there is some switch in me when I fight. Doesn't matter if I win or loose, get hit or land a hit. It's like drugs, rush of blood, clear mind and constant laugh.

One of my sparring partners jumped away when I burst out laughing.

Now to somehow get into the same state of mind during competitions...

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Day 79 - not all who hurry are right

 kagiyama hina (touhou) drawn by kwszh

Day 79
Today I learned that I'm completely unable to work with my wife in terms of business. 
When she wants something money-and-business related she wants it immediately, "done yesterday" as they say. She oozes stress, radiates fear and hurry. Makes me wanna run away, push through using strength instead of smarts.

She's away now. Running with the horses as she often does. Fixed all her problems, as soon as she stopped breathing down my neck like a tyrannosaurus. Never wanna do it again though, amount of psychological discomfort was excruciating.

Monday, 11 November 2024

Day 78 - out of order

 holo (spice and wolf) drawn by penguin_sensei_(artist)

Day 78
My country is a curious one if you look at political history. If our people are left alone, can argue with each other and spend time and resources on nonsense and bullshit, then we are complacent, loyal, hard-working and very inventive. However if you try to bind us with rules, our cleverness turns towards bending and working around them. Our loyalty can be lost with a single fuck-up and we are complacent until you wake up one day and entire country is on fire with no prior signs. We also often put our hardworking not towards our own benefit, but to detriment of those we do not like.
Our country for a while behaved like most democracies in the world - changing the ruling party each election. Because anyone is better than whoever is in power now, right? However a decade ago or so one right-wing corrupt to the bone party did the unthinkable, something you generally do not do if you get into politics. They kept a promise.

With this one promise they won completely, not by making a promise but by actually delivering on it. And they were in power for many years, winning election after election. Good will and trust of the people was bought by keeping one promise, nothing more. In fact in the last election they still got the most votes! They are not in power because every other party joined an alliance to create a government without the largest party! Interesting times indeed and I hope it will go down as curious case in political academia.

But why am I rambling about this now? Because some of their policies, that never got repelled, really got me into trouble this long weekend. You see, they banned sunday shopping. Shops are closed on sunday in my country. This sucks, a lot, and creates really strange phenomenon in which most shopping is done on saturday. They were hoping that without ability to shop on sunday people would go to church instead. Joke on them, with shops closed most people don't have a reason to go outside on sunday, church was just something before or after shopping at best.

And I almost ran out of diapers for my daughter. Had to buy a single-packaged ones on the gas stations, in fact I think I bought all of them in the region, visiting one station after another.

Shit happens.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Day 77 - I really shouldn't stay

 furina (genshin impact) drawn by dasha

Day 77
Baby, It's cold outside!
And what a cold it is! Around four degrees Celsius, damp foggy day. Bone-biting cold that hurts like hell. At least in my house I have warm tea, warm bed and ever-air-warming computers. Really, I never use heaters. Why bother? I can just run two or three games at the same time and heating is the same. 

Cat's seem to be afraid of being caught more than of being around humans. Getting on my lap is fine, but if I get my hands any closer they are out in a jiffy.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Day 76 - definition of insanity


Day 76
 My legs hurt, my back hurts, hell why do I always get such post-action muscle pains after overexerting myself?

Stupid question.

Anything you like doing is worth doing, I know this can be applied to countless illegal things but that's as good of a motto as any other. And I am gonna continue learning fencing, no matter how many competitions I loose.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Day 75 - growing pains

 romani archaman (fate and 1 more) drawn by silsor_lilac

Day 75
Muscle pain all the way. Is it because of yesterday's tournament? Or angry training session I gave myself today in freezing cold? Who knows.
Writing day! I continue my re-write, or rather another version of the same story. With major changes, because I never go for easy solutions. 
I have two cats now. Still stay-in-home cats, but after second vaccination I will let them out into the garden to get rid of rodents. Grey one seems to get along nicely, she starts to be nicer and more accepting of our bullshit and kids. Black one is more wild, she does what she wants when she wants and where she wants. And she definitely doesn't like doing what we want. 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Day 74 - utter defeat

 hokushin mei (honkai and 1 more)

Day 74 
I lost, badly. I lost against every contestant that bothered to show up. It didn't feel good to be honest. At times like this I wonder why do I even bother. Train twice a week, no value gained.

My wife tries to cheer me up, but she's about as good at this as fish are in interstellar travel. 

My master said not to worry, that I will get better. Will I? Really?

Perhaps life just gave me a free "give up" ticket and a question - will I cash it in?

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Day 73 - the last doubts

 king bradley and wrath (fullmetal alchemist) drawn by redsakaone

Day 73
Internal tournament tomorrow and I couldn't feel lees sure about it. It's all fun and games, but at the same time I feel like I'm facing giants. School's champion feels like fighting a max level D&D character, she makes a dozen attacks before I can find time to make one.

Compared to her and the others in school I feel like I'm there mostly as a punching bag. Doesn't mean I don't like to get hit in a cool way... but still.

Do I even have a chance?

Monday, 4 November 2024

Day 71 - old dog, old tricks

 original drawn by undertow6150

Day 71
Today I saw a decade old video of my master fighting someone else in historical tournament. It was amazing, I was excited as if I was the one fighting. My master lost, due to his unshakeable faith in his rigid technique. Opponent tried several different approaches against him, eventually finding the one that resulted in victory.

It was interesting to see him fight, to use his techniques against someone who was clearly more well rounded opponent. Their strengths and weaknesses visible to me and my wife (we are avid Soulsborne fans and tend to analyse techniques of others).

Internal competition soon, can't wait!

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Day 70 - hold the weapon pointy side forward

 original drawn by pugongying

Day 70
A day of rest at last! Quite useful after all the work, Halloween, Saints Day and whatever yesterday was.
And I'm writing again! RPG story again, and my RPG system is growing nicely.
Next week will be busy. Both at work and outside it. Thursday is the day of internal competition at my fencing school. i already know who will win in my category, can't beat champion of the school. The rest of us practically fight for the second place. I will be glad to come up third... but the time will tell. 

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Day 69 - of lies and misinformation

 emma the gentle blade (sekiro: shadows die twice) drawn by wenzheng147

Day 69, nice!
Today morning I pulled three runes with question "what will happen to me today". I got Ansuz[ᚫ] (words, communication, breath), Perthro[] (divination, fate, mystery) and Algiz[] (elk, protection, sanctuary).
I initially read this as "you will be writing today" as I had planned writing outing to the regional bakery and coffee shop. That did not come to pass, since my wife overslept (not her fault, I kinda let her do it by taking care of kids). I felt well... bummer that it didn't came true. I guess I focused on Ansuz too much.

My wife looked at those runes and had her own prediction. Our friend was coming for the evening so she assumed I will be divining her fate with tarot and runes. This also didn't came to be as our friend wasn't interested in that today. My wife focused too much on Perthro I guess.

What fits those runes most is that our friend came with her man. So I had a conversation (Ansuz) with unexpected person (Perthro) at my home (Algiz). It's a damn shame runes aren't more precise. I guess this is why divination tools are not means of communication, being this vague all the time would be a real pain in the ass.

Friday, 1 November 2024

Day 68 - a bit of philosphical mood

 emma the gentle blade (sekiro: shadows die twice) drawn by s_jiaogu

Day 68
My today's topic of thought was religion. Religions to be precise, in plural. Discussion with my wife about what is enticing in each religion we know, and what is off-putting led to a funny conclusion - there is no religion that is perfect for us. For even one of us.
Christianity starts off cool with tolerance, acceptance and mercy. At least that's what teaching of Jesus are. But then they come with radicalism of sacrifice for greater good and heavy doctrine of the Church.
Indian religions also start cool, for different reasons for each of us. I liked the self-discipline and constant self-improvement promoted, but hated the concept of detachment from everything. My wife liked detachment, but didn't like other ideas.

We discussed some off-shots of christianity, shinto, judaism and islam. Neither for us. Neither fully compatible with our experiences of life.

I guess the one size for all truly fits none.

Day 144 - Five of Cups

  Day 144   Apparently some party in Germany sent out fake deportation notices to immigrants as part of their election campaign. This got me...