Sunday, 24 November 2024


 banyue (tianguan cifu) drawn by chapter_56

Day 91
Today's card! Other than that I feel tired, so tired today. Dunno why.
2 : High Priestess

This card is sometimes also called "Female Pope" in different languages. This would pair her with Hierophant, who is frequently just "The Pope". I will probably have a full section of ramblings how unfitting those names are nowadays in the post on Hierophant.

High Priestess is the archetype of intuition and hidden knowledge. This is the card about gut feelings, inspiration coming from meditation and introspection.

And those traits are considered feminine, mostly due to tradition. Which is stupid, since tradition itself is considered masculine. Oh well...

High Priestess is a card about looking inwards for answers. Not to some divine spark, not to expertise, not to traditions or authority. High Priestess tells you "Do what you feel is right" despite the world nowadays being very big on "you know nothing, Jon Snow". 
High Priestess is also card of secret knowledge, but not about uncovering it. Just it existing. Which is fitting because intuition is hardly something that can be explained by conscious knowledge. It's also very easy to blame on intuition all the knowledge you do not want to share, hence secret knowledge. High Priestess favours spiritual and emotional growth of a person, believing that deep down we all know what is good for us.

Reversed High Priestess is about lack of trust in your own instinct.

When your gut tells you something, but you constantly ignore it. Perhaps you have been raised and educated to always second guess yourself, instead seeking external validation of all your choices and opinions. Perhaps you discard your inner life, feelings of your body and emotions of your heart.

As card of secrets High Priestess when reversed may mean that some truth is kept from you, or turning the situation around - you have trouble keeping something a secret.

If High Priestess is a question, it's "Do you listen to your gut?"
If High Priestess is a person, it's someone who trusts their gut feeling.
If High Priestess is an object, it's something you would rather keep as secret.
If High Priestess is a situation, it's unclear and full of unknowns.
If High Priestess is a trait, it's intuition and being good at keeping secrets.
If High Priestess is an advice, it would be "Trust your intuition"

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