Monday, 13 January 2025

Day 141 - My Birthday

 xelloss and filia ul copt (slayers and 1 more) drawn by lyxu

Day 141
Today is my birthday! It... doesn't feel much special. Birthdays of my children strongly overshadow mine nowadays. But they also seem to have much more fun from them. A lot changes in one's life between the age of three and four, not much changes in the year before turning 32.

So... what did I achieve in the past year? My wife says a lot, I say not much. Perhaps internal perspective is simply too weak for introspection. 
I'm still working in the same company. Decided to leave, then changed my mind. Funny. 
I trained fencing, rapier and long-sword. Got somewhat better, especially with some individual lessons.

I did some gardening. Planted raspberries in my garden, built a walkway around one of the corners of my house.
I bought my long sword and carved a scabbard for it in wood. Kinda started a carving hobby. 
Published my first book! Second one is still in translation... 

Changed my diet, a lot. Did blood tests to check what is wrong with me too. Forst I removed garlic sauce, next went out the milk. Last change was to remove cheese from everyday diet. Appears that I am lactose intolerant, explains why I drank goat milk in my childhood. In addition cheese has more cholesterol that peanut butter of equal amount (as long as you use normal peanut butter, not something hardened with palm oil). Introduced a lot of fish into my diet.

All in all it was a more peaceful year with time to do many side projects.

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Day 144 - Five of Cups

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