Sunday, 20 October 2024

Day 56 - memories are me

 irene (arknights) drawn by yanyan_(shinken_gomi)

Day 56
Reading through various SCP stories I found the ones that mess with human memories to be the scariest.
Memories are, in my opinion, half the person. If I lost my memories tomorrow it would be almost the same as if I died. Just imagine knowing not who you are, what skills or training you possess, who are your family or friends. Would skills even persist? Is knowledge part of memories or separate? Or perhaps you would know nothing, but had instant perfect intuition and a sense of de-ja-vu as soon as you start doing your old job or hobby?
The scariest part in my opinion is not about dying in non-physical sense, but in being unable to trust your mind. We are all used to the fact that memories get mudded and prone to error over time, but what if you suddenly forgot all about something more core to your person. Like forget where you live or who you love or forget your kids.

Scary. At least when you have alzheimer at old age you know your body and mind is failing, because you are old. Something like this being possible every day is scary as hell.

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