Day 144
Apparently some party in Germany sent out fake deportation notices to immigrants as part of their election campaign. This got me thinking, why are immigrants so often considered a threat? Even if you give them votes, their control over your country will be proportional to amount of them being full citizens compared to the rest of the country. That's a minuscule amount! Compared to that foreign companies have enormous control over the country, just giving a raise during reign of party A and mass layoffs during time of party B can extremely affect people's perception of those parties. And don't forget lobbying, bribing politicians for law changes and breaking laws because when fine is a specific amount you may as well consider it pert of operating costs.
You want your country free and powerful? Don't kick out people who think your country is great, kick out foreign companies who think your country is exploitable.
And with that - to the next card!
Five of Cups
Same vibes as with Five of Swords. Card of regret. This time there is nothing to win, because loosing good relationships in suit of Cups is never a good thing. Card symbolises focusing on hat you lost, instead of moving on. Which is quite fitting card for this suit, how many people mull over a break up for a long time instead of moving on?
In reverse this card has a more positive meaning. Moving on, new hope, finally looking out for new possibilities.