Friday 19 April 2024

Road works

 It was late night, driving home with my wife through some small towns. One of the roads was surprisingly devoid of any other cars except ours and one small bus following us for some time. We reach road works, part of them looked like they were set aside for anyone in need of driving through, but my wife suddenly said "let's not go this way".

I obliged, knowing from experience that her sudden bursts of intuition are usually good to follow. I turned left, got into parking lot of some 24/7 car washing facility. Bus behind us continued forward, through the road works. Through the exit on the other side I could easily bypass the road works, though it was quite a non-obvious route.

When we reached the crossroads, where road works met with our new route we saw bus being held by the police, apparently part of the road works set aside for cars was just a fluke, a trap.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Wizard's Logbook: Entry I

 Usually a good choice is to start from the beginning, give some background. Thus I will do so.

I am a wizard, in the most vague and broad sense of this word. My interest in magic started back in school years. Since I was longer with good learning skills, I usually didn't need to focus on lessons. Instead I worked on my spells in a notebook, testing different symbols and reading up on more of them. It was all fun and games until I honed my craft enough to have real effects. What effects you ask? I shall collect my memories and experiences on this blog, recording for the future all that happened or is happening to me.

Incident 1: Back in school one of my teachers decided to take my notebook away. Her only reason was that I was doing something not education-related on her lessons. After ridiculing me for my amateurish poetry and strange drawings she did not return to the school next day. Apparently she had to take a half-a-year long break from work for medical reasons.

Incident 2: It was a strange week when I had a tendency to look in the eyes of my teachers and instantly know answer to their questions, but probably the strangest of those occurrences was with a priest. Since church in my country is pretty political organisation we had mandatory religion lessons taught by a local priest. To give us any sensible grades he had us read the bible, then lined us up along the wall. We were getting questions, and if you answered you could go back to your desk. I got some question about Holy Spirit but despite mentioning every moment it appeared in the story I still could not figure out what part this priest was thinking about. He got a bit frustrated, stood up and came to me with bible in hand saying that I will stay and look for the part that I'm missing. As soon as he got close enough to hand me the book (which also meant he was as close as normal teacher during verbal examination) I looked into his eyes and suddenly quoted the part he was thinking about. It took him by surprise, but he put down the bible and allowed me to go back to my desk with passing grade.

Incident 3: As my school did not have enough space to accommodate all classes that were having physical education at the same time, PE teacher rotated which one will take the class to sports field located in nearby residential area. Next to that place lived person whom I often argued or fought with. I wouldn't call him my bully, we were more or less on the same level and I had different methods to get rid of my bullies. While others played I grabbed a stick and drew a lightning spell on the ground. Next day in school I learned that a lightning bolt hit his house that night, avoiding lightning rod and striking his tv sat antenna. Aside from not having good tv access for a week or so there was no damages.

After those three incidents I got quite scared and decided to go to catholic high school. I also burned my notebooks just in case. In catholic school I lost my faith in church and other religious organisations. Whether those incidents were real magic or just a series of unusual coincidences was a question at the back of my mind for years to come.

I returned to study and practice of magic few years ago, I shall record more recent incidents in subsequent entries here.

Road works

 It was late night, driving home with my wife through some small towns. One of the roads was surprisingly devoid of any other cars except ou...